Help Make or Pack Rosaries for Soldiers
Rosaries for Soldiers began in October 2001 at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, when a parishioner suggested that they make rosaries like her father had in WWII for our soldiers. They are now in our 24th year!
Helpers at Seton help fold the prayer sheets and band them for packaging and shipping with the rosaries; package them with rosaries in plastic bags along with other materials; band holy cards; and learn quality control on rosaries received.
This is a great opportunity for people with limited abilities, and most work can be done at home. Every 3-4 months boxes are packed for shipment to approximately 30 chaplains around the world.
To help or to learn how to make the rosaries, come to our meetings on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesdays from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm in the Upper Room at Seton or contact Clo Lillig:, (H) 317.894.0184, (C) 317.966.0927.